What You Need To Know About Scorpion Control
- March 29, 2020
- Posted by: Envision
- Category: Pest

It’s safe to say that scorpions are more menacing than the average pest. Indeed, unlike mice, termites, ants, and a myriad of other critters and varmints, scorpions are one of the few pests that can ––in some instances –– prove fatal to human beings. Today, we’ll focus on these unique, and often misunderstood arachnids, and explain what homeowners can do to prevent and deal with scorpions on their property. Here’s everything you need to know about scorpion control:
The Basics on Scorpions
Scorpions are fairly easy to recognize. Though there are hundreds of different species of scorpion on the planet, all scorpions have eight legs, two pincers, and one distinctive stinger. Scorpions come in a wide variety of sizes (2-9 inches) and colors (yellow, red, brown, black). Scorpions are also nocturnal.
Scorpions tend to live in dry, desert-like environments. In the United States, scorpions are reported in California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas.
Scorpions usually live alone as adults –– meaning they don’t form colonies. However, female scorpions can have several dozen offspring at one time. So homeowners should take note of that fact.
Are Scorpions Dangerous?
Most scorpions don’t present a grave threat to humans. Only around 35 of nearly 2,000 scorpion species possess venom deadly enough to kill a human. And only one scorpion in the U.S., the Arizona bark scorpion, is considered life-threatening. Unfortunately, the Arizona bark scorpion is also fairly common and is one of the most invasive species of scorpion.
As such, you should never approach or threaten a scorpion in your yard or in your home. Even scorpions that aren’t life-threatening can still sting humans and cause serious pain. Instead, get a safe distance away and call a professional. Scorpions will usually only sting a human as a last line of defense. If you or someone you know is stung by a scorpion, seek medical attention immediately.
Preventing Scorpions in Your Home
In general, scorpions prefer to be outside than inside homes. Still, that doesn’t mean scorpions won’t enter a building to seek shelter or to find food. (When scorpions do enter a home, they tend to reside in crawl spaces or attics.)
These tips will help you with scorpion control:
- Remove anything outside your home that scorpions may hide under. This includes firewood, trash, stones, boards, or timber. If you must keep items outside of your home, move them 20-30 ft away and elevate them to discourage scorpions from living under them. (Note, always remove potential scorpion refuges with extreme caution.)
- Prune shrubs and bushes regularly to discourage scorpions from hiding beneath them.
- Inspect your home for cracks in the foundation, walls, or doors that may allow a scorpion to enter. Seal them.
- Seal all windows and doors.
- Have regular pest inspections and eliminate other pests. Scorpions feed off of smaller insects and mice, so removing their food source will force scorpions to go elsewhere.
- Always wear shoes in and around your home.
Contact the Professionals
Seeing a scorpion on your property can be a jarring experience to say the least. If you’re worried about scorpions or other pests, then don’t hesitate to contact the professionals at Envision. Our team has the knowledge, resources, and experience to help you solve your pest-control problems once and for all.